Texas NAACP State Conference Health Committee
Health Chair, Carol Moore
Vice Chair, Sherley L. Spears

A message about continuous coverage with Medicaid, Sima Ladjevardian, J.D.
Regional Director, Region VI: AR, LA, NM, OK, TX & 68 Federally Recognized Tribes, Office of the Secretary, US Department of Health and Human Service
As many as 15 million Americans (in Texas, approximately 1 million) could lose Medicaid coverage. Texas will begin their Medicaid disenrollment processes in July. States and HHS are working diligently to make sure that people who have been continuously enrolled in Medicaid during the pandemic know to update their contact information.
Watch and listen to this video link below to learn more about what you must do to complete the process.
State Health Officials Provide Hot Weather Precautions
With excessive heat warnings in effect for most Texas residents, the Texas Department of State Health Services urges people to be aware of the signs of heat illness and take precautions to protect themselves from heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
The elderly, young children, people with chronic diseases and those without access to air conditioning are most at risk.
A healthy diet helps to prevent many health issues.