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Advance Registration

Advance Registration is open through October 6, 2024 at Noon. Registration needs after this time will be subject o late/onsite pricing and options. Pre-selected menus for meal events are not guaranteed after Noon October 6, 2024. Pricing is not reduced.

Each NAACP Unit will be subject to:

-Annual assessment

-Convention Registration fee

-Annual membership assessment (per unit membership count)

When registering individual members, please make sure your unit registration and assessments have been paid. Registration types are:

-Delegate -Alternate -Observer

Registration packets are the same for all Adult Registration types. A reduced registration packet is offered for Youth & College.

Individual Meals may be ordered, and are subject to the October 6th, deadline. Requests for individual meals after the deadline will be subject to late/onsite pricing. A meal will be provided; however it will likely not be the pre-selected menu option guaranteed during Advance Registration.

Questions may be directed to:

Lonzo Kerr at:

January 2

Event Two

January 4

Event Four